Managing Fast Food Worker Safety in Parking Lots
Whether it is the dumpster or delivering items to a customer car when there is back up in the drive thru lane, it is important to train your fast food workers on parking lot best practices.
Managers should review the condition of the parking lot on a periodic basis. This should include reporting and repairing any broken lights, cracks and holes in the lots, broken glass, or other potentially dangerous conditions.
All employees should be directed to 1) wear a reflective vest when outside 2) never walk between vehicles in the drive-thru and 3) always look both ways.
Review your traffic flow in the parking lot and determine which door opens to the area of the parking lot with either the least traffic or where drivers have the best unobstructed view. Have your employees always enter and exit through that door.

Fun in a parking lot is only for the movies.
Employees working in the parking lots should exercise vigilance.