Safe lifting in the fast food workplace
Ensuring your employees are trained on and implementing your safe lifting practices can prevent soft tissue injuries at your fast food restaurant. Soft tissue injuries have prolonged recovery times and are difficult for fast food restaurants to bring back to work without risking re-injury. So preventing the injury in first place is your best option. The following tips are standard but we are giving you some assistance with explaining to employees why these are so essential.
Use Your Tools
There are many tools that can assist with moving heavy items. Require employees to use all tools available and be sure to regularly assess the tools to be sure they are functioning properly.
Plan Route
Employees in fast food restaurants are tracked for the timeliness of many of their actions. However, employees must understand when quickness is necessary and when it is not. When performing tasks involving lifting be sure employees don’t move so fast that you don’t survey and remove potential obstacles from your path.
Bend Knees
Bend the knees to use your largest muscles and to facilitate smoother movement with less back pressure and spinal movement.
Hug The Load
Hugging the load you are carrying helps to activate the core and stabilize your lift. It also helps you to avoid twisting and pulling.
Head Up
Keeping your head up not only allows you to avoid obstacles but also keeps your spine in good alignment and helps you to avoid twisting and pulling.