Fast Food WC Burns and First Aid
When a burn occurs in the fast food workplace the automatic response is just to treat it using the first aid kit. However, it is important to provide your employees with information that can help them make a decision regarding whether the employee needs further treatment. The following infographic at WebMD can be helpful in identifying a burn requiring treatment.
Some companies like Employers Assurance even have services such as

which will triage not only burns but also other injuries like cuts and bruises. Having this available not only takes the burden of providing medical expertise off managers but also allows injured employees to be channeled to the most appropriate and cost-effective level of care.
In no event should any food condiment or other ointment that does not have antibacterial properties be placed on the burn. Burns also should be wrapped loosely after it has been completely air dried. If a blister results from the burn it should not be picked, especially in a kitchen setting.
Remember at no point do you want to discourage any employee in seeking treatment if they see fit to do so. That being said, it is to everyone’s benefit that the employee has sufficient information to make a good health decision for themselves.