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Top 2 Tools for Slip and Fall Prevention

According to studies these two tools can help you reduce worker slip and falls in your fast food restaurant by almost fifty percent. The reason these tools are more effective is that they increase the coefficient of friction. The coefficient of friction, is the difference between the thrust used by a fast food employee to walk across the floor versus the friction the floor provides due to materials of the floor or the presence of additional items on the floor which change the coefficient.

Enzyme based floor cleaners: Enzyme cleaners are made using a few specific enzymes that break down biological substances like fats, oils, proteins, and starches into other elements like carbon and hydrogen. Because the items on the floor are broken down, there is less residue left on the cleaned floor surface and therefore there is no increase in the friction present on the floor. Enzyme based cleaners are a good idea where employees are complaining that cleaning has been ineffective in the workplace or creates a "stickier" surface. A Key tip to make sure the cleaner does its job is to be sure to use with cold water unlike other cleaners.

Slip resistant shoes: Slip resistant shoes use treading to grip the floor and disperse any liquid it may encounter. Slip resistant shoes should be matched to the surface that the employee is going to be working on. Also you should be sure to not allow the treading to wear down since that is the part of the shoe that makes it efficient at preventing the falls.

If slip and falls have become an issue in your workplace, we have a checklist to be sure your workplace training, policies, and tools are complete. Email us for a copy.

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