Easy ways to bring your fast food employee back to work
Bringing someone back to work with restrictions for a full 8 hours can be very difficult in a restaurant due to the physical nature of...
Preventing Re-Injury with Good Return to Work
Center for Research and Public Policy conducted an online survey among over 1,000 food workers to understand the motivations, attitudes...
Decrease Workers Compensation Costs with Wellness Programs
Wellness programs are typically used by companies as retention tools for companies with a large number of high value employees such as...
Say Yes To Written Return-to-work Programs
Many fast food restaurants are hesitant to create written return-to-work and modified duty programs. Much of this, in my experience,...
Common Mistakes Fast Food Owner Make Regarding Return To Work Policies
Thinking RTW is Only a Workers’ Compensation Matter- the broad definition of a disabled individual under the Americans with Disabilities...