Reduce Grill Related Burns
Grill based workers compensation claims are normally tied to fast food employees feeling the need to rush and therefore not being careful...
Drug Policy and Workers Compensation
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recently released its first-ever guidelines on opioid prescription. Changes to the way that opioid...
Components of Workplace Violence Evacuation Plan
Unfortunately, the world is becoming increasingly violent. As such, workplace violence is a more frequent cause of fast food workers...
Prevent Back Injuries
One out of every four workers compensation injuries is back related. Contrary to popular belief, incorrect or heavy lifting is not the...
Causes of Increase Slip and Fall Incidents
On average the food industry has 21 falls per 10,000 full time workers. Severe slip and falls can cost upwards of $30,000 in workers...
Common Mistakes Fast Food Owner Make Regarding Return To Work Policies
Thinking RTW is Only a Workers’ Compensation Matter- the broad definition of a disabled individual under the Americans with Disabilities...